Venue: Stafford Castle
Looking for something to do in the outdoors? Why not try one of our explorer backpacks at Stafford Castle!
Venue: Ancient High House
Join us during our opening hours and see if you can find all of the High House mice!
Saturday 12th April to Saturday 26th April 2025, 10.00am to 4.00pm
Venue: Ancient High House
Come along to the Ancient High House and see if you can guess the books from the decorations.
Tuesday 15th April 2025, Meet at 10.30am
Take a gentle stroll around Stafford with our knowledgeable guide to see the town in a new light.
Saturday 19th April and Sunday 20th April 2025, Drop In 11.00am to 3.15pm
Venue: Stafford Castle
School is out for Easter! Be sure to pay us a visit and have a go at our Easter Craft and Trail!
Saturday 19th April 2025, 10.30am to 1.30pm
Venue: Ancient High House
These relaxed sessions at the Ancient High House are an opportunity for like-minded individuals to socialise, and catch-up on any unfinished hand-embroidery or knitting projects, or start something new.
Thursday 1st May to Monday 12th May 2025, 10.00am to 4.00pm
Venue: Ancient High House
A small exhibition to celebrate VE Day, exploring the stories of four local men.
Sunday 4th May 2025, 1.00pm to 5.00pm
Venue: Izaak Walton's Cottage
Join us at Izaak Walton’s Cottage as it opens for the summer season.
Sunday 11th May 2025, 10.00am to 4.00pm
Venue: Stafford Castle
Take a walk on the wild side and join us at one of our most popular events, championing Wildlife and nature alongside local charities and producers.
Tuesday 13th May to Saturday 24th May 2025, 10.00am to 4.00pm
Venue: Ancient High House
An art exhibition featuring drawings and paintings by the students of professional artist Mark Lippett.
Sunday 18th May 2025, Meet at 10.30am
Venue: Ancient High House
Take a gentle stroll around Stafford with our knowledgeable guide to see the town in a new light.
Saturday 24th May 2025, 10.30am to 1.00pm
Venue: Ancient High House
Would you like to learn how to embroider? Come along to our Embroidery for Beginners at the Ancient High House.
If you desire historic and exclusive surroundings in which to take your wedding vows look no further than the Ancient High House