Exhibition – D-Day – The Liberation of Europe – Stafford’s Role

Exhibition – D-Day – The Liberation of Europe – Stafford’s Role

Exhibition – D-Day – The Liberation of Europe – Stafford’s Role

Exhibition – D-Day – The Liberation of Europe – Stafford’s Role

Saturday 1st June 2024 to Sunday 8th September 2024



An exhibition looking at the stories of Staffordian’s experiences on D-Day told through their own words. The cabinets include rare images, medals and personal artefacts relating to the liberation of Europe.

This exhibition provides an insight into the counter-invasion of Hitler’s Europe and the days leading up to VE-Day as seen through the eyes of local heroes. It forms a part of a programme of commemorations taking place across the country to mark the events of eighty years ago.

Visit the exhibition during the Ancient High House’s opening times.


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